Front of mind or top of head?

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Which comes first? Your customers or your team?

It’s not really a trick question, more a chicken and egg statement of the obvious. You can’t really have one without the other, or a least you need both to have either.

Taking care of your customers is essential and it’s your team that do that, so it’s also essential that you ensure your team are fully equipped to do that. No customers no team. No team no customers. So best take care of both.

At Purple Patch our work is nearly always both promotional chicken and egg. We can help you to ensure that your customers remember you first, and to ensure that your teams are dressed to fly your brand’s flag to make sure that your reputation stays front of your clients’ minds.

We had a Zoom call the other day (yes, one of many) and were struck by the guy’s collar. Nothing earth shattering, but he had the company’s name on one side and their logo on t’other. Ever wondered why sportswomen and men have logos on their collars, or always don a sponsor’s baseball cap for the podium? Ever wondered why Red Bull’s prime branding goes on the helmets?

The answer is, well, telly. Or more specifically the interview’s focus (and in-action reaction close-ups) are nearly always just head and shoulders. Our interest and focus are nearly always on peoples’ faces and expressions (ditto on Zoom/ Skype) so to keep your brand front of mind, use your head. A huge logo on the chest rarely gets seen in close-up.

In a world where we’re likely to see a lot more of our customers through a screen, head and shoulders only, it’ll be wise to make your mark in the right place.

So how can we help you this week? Customers or team? Hats or collars? Or of course both? Collars, Cuffs, Chest & Hats & Face Masks …. We can brand it where it matters most.

Give Georgie a call or drop her a line.